About me

Who am I?

Hello everyone, I’m Clémence, an art history and archaeology enthusiast who earned her doctorate at the University of Tours (Centre Val de Loire, France). I’m also passionate about writing and a blogger in my spare time. For the past 2 years, I have been running the Place Plume blog, where I enthusiastically share my experiences as a doctoral student and art history professor.

Specializing in ancient Roman history and art, I am also deeply interested in writing, architecture, Italy, and traveling broadly speaking. I have always been curious and eager to learn new things, progressing through my studies as a teacher, assistant curator, lecturer, and clerk for an auctioneer. Along this journey, I have developed a fondness for research, communication, connecting with students, and teaching.

That’s why the position of lecturer was a perfect fit for my aspirations. However, as you may know, such positions are scarce and competitive.

What I like to do?

I deeply enjoy delving into a topic, sharing my discoveries through writing to tell a story while making it accessible to everyone. When I started Place Plume, I had a specific goal in mind: to share my knowledge and experience with students. I wanted to reveal the secrets of teachers and maintain a connection with the transmission of knowledge to stay sharp and inspired.

Throughout my journey, I have gained a solid understanding of the academic world, research, and teaching. I comprehend the challenges and demands unique to the humanities, as well as the uncertainties and doubts that can accompany student and professional life. Most importantly, I understand the passion and drive to succeed.

Feel free to share your dreams and questions in the comments. I am here to listen and will gladly support you throughout your projects! If I can be a small encouraging voice in the lives of budding or experienced historians, that would be perfect!

✏️ Feel like telling me something or asking me a question? You can use the Contact page on the blog or leave me a little message in the comments. I’ll read it with pleasure and respond as soon as possible. See you very soon!

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